Astrology Insignt for January 2017

mnthly astrological insignt

mnthly astrological insigntThis is a very dynamic month with a lot of support available to release old patterns of thinking and acting that no longer serve you and to welcome new ways of being guided by compassion. Mercury stations to turn direct on January 7th and it is interesting to note there all other planets are direct too for the rest of the month. This does not happen frequently and indicates a time when the energy is ripe for moving forward on things that you have planned in the past months.

For most part of January 2017, Venus, Mars and Neptune will be in the sign of Pisces, which is essentially about compassion, inspiration and transcending the mundane boundaries to merge with the higher power.  There will be an aura of “live and let be” with lesser need to judge others.   Venus has a special link to Pisces.  According to a myth, when an egg fell into the Euphrates River, the fish rolled it out to land, and out of it came Aphrodite or Venus.  So in return for the help, Goddess Venus gave a part of the sky to the fish – the Pisces.   So Venus is exalted in Pisces because it brings out the higher level of…

Read more about transits for October 2016 at  Astromanda,com